If you have 20 minutes to spare, take a look at this engaging and thought-provoking Video discussing the importance of nurturing Creativity in our Educational system.
Sir Ken Robinson presents his ideas in a humorous and entertaining way. All of us, journeying towards a deeper understanding of Authentic Learning, should consider his message.
I had the opportunity to see Sir Robinson at the ASCD conference. He really has a strong message that a traditional education system kills creativity. He backed this up by showing some impressive stats about how on the order of 90% of K-3 will go outside the box to solve a problem, less than half of div IV kids will. (I'll dig up the actual stats and post them before we meet). In the meantime, the link below is to the twitter discussion that was happening while he was speaking. If it doesn't link, just cut and paste it onto the address line.
Thanks for the twitter post! The fact that as students progress through our educational system that they are less likely to "go outside the box to solve a problem" could not be more true. Robinson's assertion that we are destroying our children's creativity is absolutely true. In the end, however, is it not the entire educational system that needs revamping? Is it enough to have students experience small pockets of engaging, authentic learning (grade/teacher/institution dependant) within a greater 'traditional education' system?