Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Authentic Learning through Remote Instrumentation

"Students say they are motivated by solving real-world problems. They often express a preference for doing rather than listening. At the same time, most educators considerlearning-by-doing the most effective way to learn. Yet for decades, authentic learning has been difficult to implement. Certain experiments are too dangerous, difficult, or expensive to conduct in the classroom; many are simply impossible to perform"(Lombardi & Oblinger, 2007).

Lombardi and Oblinger identify a number of ways that technology can support authentic learning including simulations, student created media and peer reviews, but one that I felt was underultilized was the concept of remote instrumentation. They discuss MIT's Remote instrumentation Program (ELI, 2006). Using web accessible remote instrumentation, students can conduct and analyze real scientific experiments using nothing more complicated than a computer. The literature provides a variety of examples of this type of technology available to students. For example, ChickScope (Bruce et. al, 1997) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign allowed students from a variety of kindergarten classes were able to observe and control experiments examining the development of a chicken egg inside an MRI. The Haystack Radio Observatory (Pratap & Salah, 2004) has used the web to let Undergraduate astronomy students make real scientific observations and calculations of deep space objects.

Not only are students able to view the results of past experiments, many of these tools allow students to design and plan the experiments. They get the answers to questions that they ask. I see no truer way of being a scientist. Have any of you run across these types of technologies in your work?


Bruce, B. C., Carragher, B. O., Damon, B. M., Dawson, M. J., Eurell, J. A., Gregory, C. D., et al. (1997). ChickScope: An interactive MRI classroom curriculum innovation for K-12. Computers & Education, 29(2-3), 73-87.

The EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative. (2006). 7 Things You Should Know About Remote Instrumentation. 7 Things Series (pp. 1-2). Retrieved March 31, 2009 from

Lombardi, M., & Diana G. Oblinger. (2007). Authentic Learning for the 21st Century: An Overview. The Educause Learning Initiative. Retrieved March 31, 2009, from

Pratap, P., & Salah, J. (2004). The Effectiveness of Internet-Controlled Astronomical Research Instrumentation for Education. Journal of Science Education & Technology, 13(4), 473-484.


  1. I love this idea. When we raised ducklings in our kindergarten class we followed video clips from the farm where we purchased the eggs showing the duckling hatching. The children were very skilled at accessing the site and finding information I was unaware existed. Real time learning, accessing the real world and exploring their theories about what is happening inside the eggs in our classroom. Our inquiry was "What are the stories inside eggs?" I think this is where inquiry fits so beautifully because as you cover the inquiry you uncover the curriculum. Isn't this how you make learning authentic?

  2. We have a teacher that puts a web cam on her egg incubator each year. She sends the link out to the entire division. Kids gain an emotional attachment to the chicks as they develop. Perhaps that is part of the key to engaged learning.

  3. I think these type of technologies have the potency to augment real learning!

    Your comment that these tools allow students to design and plan experiments, brought to mind an article I read about educational video games.
    In the article, the author describes an Educational Game called 'Immune Attack' (developed by the Federation of American Scientists, Brown University, and the University of Southern California) which was created to teach complex biology and immunology topics to students.
    In the game,"a teenage prodigy with an immunodeficiency must teach his immune system how to function properly or die." In essence, the human body is the playing field and the immune cells face off against viral and bacterial infections and must fight off the invasion.

    I don't know about you all, but this sounds like a lot of fun and potent learning mixed together.

    Other "serious" games are described in the article.

    Check out:
    Annetta, L. (2008). Video games in education: Why they should be used and how they are being used. Theory Into Practice, 47(3), 229-239. Retrieved January 28, 2009, from
